Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's been a while I know I shouldn't have kept you waiting But I'm here now

^thanks to Brittany Spears for that little nugget!
So like uh... Brittany said, it has been a while and it has been for good reason! I get to be with my kids 24/7 now! (not that i do not enjoy a break now and then) I am having the time of my life!! I have a small case of the snackies so let me get that and ill come right back to ya...
Ok I'm here you can stop crying now. I know you missed me terribly. Time of my life... that is for sure! This summer is my last one here at latitude 60, consequently i am making the most of it. I met an amazing woman who is involved in everything, which works out nicely for me since this is also our first year of being able to be involved in organized activities. This bas has NOTHING for kids under 5 years old, guess what?!?!? The Twinkies are 5!! woot woot!! I enrolled both the girl child and the boy child in the youth center and Soccer... go ahead laugh... but i think i might like being ....a soccer mom.... I signed the girl child up for girl scouts (thanks to my new friend). I tried to enroll the boy child in boy scouts but apparently you have to be DONE with kindergarten or 6 to start that business! It isn't a big deal because my little man can tag along to the girl scout stuff and then he will be chomping at the bit to get involved in Cub Scouts! We celebrated hubs 26th birthday this weekend, i am not sure of the last birthday he spent with us... maybe 21... or 22. So that was awesome! I picked up roller skating again, i forgot how fun that used to be! LOL we got a new pup, and i think it was perfect timing, in the midst of taking the pup out to pee at 2 am i realized that the vasectomy was a GREAT idea. I have read about a million books, and the boy child can read his own books (with some help). The girl child rides her bike without the crutch of training wheels, 2 years and she finally got it! Soccer starts Tuesday, eclipse premieres in 10 days, daddio is coming in July...oh he is getting married too... maybe they will be married by the time they get here, that way i don't have to separate them! No scrumping out of wedlock in my basement!!! and the best news ever is.... Mam-ma's Cancer IS GONE!!!! no treatment just the grace of the Lord Almighty!
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Monday, February 15, 2010

trying to find a saying for my bedroom wall

the options are...

Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul.”

“Love cannot express the idea of music, while music may give an idea of love

“Where words fail, music speaks.”

A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence.

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life

Without music life would be a mistake.

Music is what feelings sound like.

There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.

Music's the medicine of the mind

Music is an outburst of the soul.

Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without

Music is love in search of a word

If music be the food of love, play on

Music in the soul can be heard by the universe

and the winner is

Love is a friendship set to music.
do you love it?

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Friday, February 12, 2010


I have had this conversation a million times with a million different people since we relocated to the frozen north. Why is it that the weather affects places so differently. For instance when my husband was a kid [from Idaho] if the temperature dropped lower than -20 or got 2 feet of snow they canceled school that day. He would lay down at night and pray "God, please let it snow, a whole bunch. But if you cant do that then please make it really really cold". Here 2 feet of snow is business as usual, there just might be more traffic due to wrecks, and at -20 the kids can still go out for recess. Anything more than 20 below they have to stay inside. School cancellations NEVER happen. Some businesses close when it is 60 below, but temperature is not usually a reason for change, nor is snow. I have a lot of friends in the lower 48 [that is what we call it] that haven't be able to go to school or work for a week now. When my dad flew up here last Christmas he was delayed out of Seattle because of ice on the plane. That very same plane was doused with an ice melt in Anchorage and made its way to Fairbanks with no problems. In inch of snow at some airports would cripple travel, but here, again, business as usual. There is a place called Wittier they get 258 inches of snow annually, in order for the kids to get to school they walk by way of an underground tunnel. INSANE. 258 inches of snow would stop normalcy anywhere, even here. It is just biiiiizzzzzaaaarrr to me how the same weather affects places so differently.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

as seen on the other blog

I called my dr on monday because I wanted to start taking my ol' trusty ripped fuel. I love that stuff. It gives me so much energy, burns my fat, and I always get stuff done when i am taking it. It has side effects of course but do i care...not really...maybe a little, but not enough not to take it. However i am also taking Welbutrin so i wasnt sure what the side effects would be with the combination of the 2 would be so i called. Naturally the doc said no, but not only because it can cause arithmia but it can increase the side effects of the welbutrin. THAT is why I am not going to take it. i cannot afford to have to work any harder than i have to for satisfaction in the bedroom. not going to happen. So i asked the nurse if the doc recomended anything i could take. Doc said no, but there are some other avenues i could take. I explained to hei that i have gained almost 10 lbs in the last month and i am going to the gym 3 days a week. I am eating healthy. yadda yadda yadda. The nurse agrees that that is really weird, so they ordered a metabolic screening and thyroid test. He then explained to me that there is what they call "the eielson 35". which means in the last 5 years people have gained an average of 35 LBS in their first year at this base. I am very familier with this theory, because i refused to be one of those people. When i got to this base i was 164 if i gained the eielson 35 that would have put me at almost 200 lbs. OMG no way. Last summer i got down to 125 YAY, id love to be there again. so hopefully we can find out what the heck the problem is. No body wants a Fat personal trainer LOL

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

While Reading

...this blog[ ] It has come to my attention that we are bring back some classics. I am super stoked about this idea and I wanted to share it with My blog world. SO here goes.

  • Wack> adjective <>To be of low or dubious quality. Origin: comes from 'whacky', which evolved to 'whacked' or 'whacked out'. Eventually shortened to 'wack'. The 'h' is usually dropped to differentiate the meaning from 'whack', which is to hit something hard or, kill (old wise guy terminology).
  • Word> whatever you want it to be<>"Word" has no single meaning, but is used to convey a casual sense of affirmation, acknowledgement, agreement, or to indicate that something has impressed you favorably. 2.Affirmative. 3. Can also be used as a question, meaning "really?" 4. After any sentence 5. My also be used as a synonym for "yes". 6. May be used when you have nothing else to say. 7. Understand.

Now as I bring two in, i must let two go.

  • BFF< Acronym - Best Friends Forever>Often times the letters are used, rather than the words in a REAL conversation[annoying]. Rarely does one have a "BFF" for longer than about 2 years. The need to call someone your "bff", to me, just indicates the impending doom of the relationship you have with said person. Additionally, have you read 1984? It is just DUCK SPEAK!
  • ROTFLMAO<>Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off > this acronym is just plain annoying. If you were actually "ROTFLMAO" you would not be able to type "ROTFLMAO". It is Dumb. 'nuff said.

While we are on the subject of words, i would like to touch on a previous blog. I think it might be on myspace, but i cannot seem to find it. ANYWAY...People, seriously...the English language has worked for hundreds of years, without people inventing ways to spell things. Please stop using "mah" in place of "My" . It isn't cool to randomly place an exclamation point in the middle of words, no matter how excited you are. "Tha" (in place of "The") is not really that cool. it just makes you look ignorant. Gosh there are 100 million more but I am drawing a blank. Little help? Oh and since when does spell check skip over lowercase i, when it should Be uppercase I...that's wack


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

help me!!!

go there too :)