- I have a really hard time with this question, if you look at it from the surface then it is not really that difficult of a question for most to answer. For me it is like asking me to chose which one of my children i like more. I can't Pick just one, or two, or even three. I could easily tell you my "flavor of the week" but then i would be constantly updating. so i am just going to say that i love ALL music with a feeling behind the "hook", oh and I tend to avoid screamo, I cant understand the lyrics, and it hurts my head
I know there are a lot of people out there that are not as passionate about music as i am. But why do we have to categorize EVERYTHING, can you just listen and see if you like it or not?
With that I am going to share with you my favorite type of survey, a music survey, feel free to do one yourself :)
1. Of all the bands/artists in your cd/record collection, which one do you own the most of?
Umm Probably backstreet boys or Clint black, he seems to come up a lot on shuffle, or maybe Garth Brooks.
2. What was the last song you listened to?
La La Land Demi Lavato
3. What's in your record/CD player right now?
Currently the Cd Player in the house holds Usher, Jewel and Monica (1995)
The Car In a compilation of Hawaiian music i burned from a radio station
4. What song pretty much sums you up?
Music and Me, Michael Jackson
5. What's your favorite local band?
Girls with Guitars
6. What was the last concert you attended?
Soul2Soul tour in 2006
7. What was the greatest show you've ever been to?
ACM awards in 2004. But there was a Milkman Conspiracy Concert that i almost got arrested at so that comes in a close second
8. What band do you like musically but dislike the members of?
Pussy cat dolls, if they are even considered a band.
9. What is the most musically involved you have ever been?
I was in choir most of my life, but i feel more musicly involved at this point in my life since the time that is not consumed by children is devoted to Mi Musica
10. What musician would you like to be in love with for a day?
Chris Daughtry, but i am in love with him so...if he would love me back, just for one day that would be amazing
15. Pat Benatar or Cyndi Lauper?
Oh, that is close but i would have to say Cyndi
17. Commodores or solo Lionel Ritchie?
18. Punk rock, hip hop or heavy metal?
eww i hate this question, not heavy metal, only because i cant understand the lyrics most times
20. Did you know that filling out this survey makes you a music geek?
I am OK with that
21. What was the greatest decade for music?
Oh hard but i tend to love the 90's but i have lots of room for 50's 60's 70's 80's. I Love music remember
What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Umm, now and then... i think, or blade, or Rent, see i just don't know!!
26. What was your last musical phase?
Right now i am kind of in love with punky rocky girl bands, but the last was rap i think
27. What's the crappiest CD/record/etc. you own?
Ugh morning view. i got it because it gas Lover and I's song on it, "wish you were here", but every other song on that album blows.
29. All totalled, how much do you spend on music a month?
Wow I chose not to disclose this information, too much is all you need to know.
Now I will Leave you with this
Umm Probably backstreet boys or Clint black, he seems to come up a lot on shuffle, or maybe Garth Brooks.
2. What was the last song you listened to?
La La Land Demi Lavato
3. What's in your record/CD player right now?
Currently the Cd Player in the house holds Usher, Jewel and Monica (1995)
The Car In a compilation of Hawaiian music i burned from a radio station
4. What song pretty much sums you up?
Music and Me, Michael Jackson
5. What's your favorite local band?
Girls with Guitars
6. What was the last concert you attended?
Soul2Soul tour in 2006
7. What was the greatest show you've ever been to?
ACM awards in 2004. But there was a Milkman Conspiracy Concert that i almost got arrested at so that comes in a close second
8. What band do you like musically but dislike the members of?
Pussy cat dolls, if they are even considered a band.
9. What is the most musically involved you have ever been?
I was in choir most of my life, but i feel more musicly involved at this point in my life since the time that is not consumed by children is devoted to Mi Musica
10. What musician would you like to be in love with for a day?
Chris Daughtry, but i am in love with him so...if he would love me back, just for one day that would be amazing
15. Pat Benatar or Cyndi Lauper?
Oh, that is close but i would have to say Cyndi
17. Commodores or solo Lionel Ritchie?
18. Punk rock, hip hop or heavy metal?
eww i hate this question, not heavy metal, only because i cant understand the lyrics most times
20. Did you know that filling out this survey makes you a music geek?
I am OK with that
21. What was the greatest decade for music?
Oh hard but i tend to love the 90's but i have lots of room for 50's 60's 70's 80's. I Love music remember
What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Umm, now and then... i think, or blade, or Rent, see i just don't know!!
26. What was your last musical phase?
Right now i am kind of in love with punky rocky girl bands, but the last was rap i think
27. What's the crappiest CD/record/etc. you own?
Ugh morning view. i got it because it gas Lover and I's song on it, "wish you were here", but every other song on that album blows.
29. All totalled, how much do you spend on music a month?
Wow I chose not to disclose this information, too much is all you need to know.
Now I will Leave you with this

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