Friday, October 31, 2008
My Music My Obsession
Music takes me back, and forward and side to side. Music is a Time machine. I hear a song and all of a sudden I am back in 5th grade dancing my first slow dance, with adam kinser. Or my driving my car for the first time with a drivers license. My first heart break, which is a memory that most would like to forget, I re-live it thu song. Not because i like to cry but because it made me who I am today. It s a passion only people who share it with me could possibly understand.
There are so many songs that I love that have absolutly no reason other than it makes me feel good. But even with songs like "Milkshake" I can tell you where I was the first time I heard it and who I was with, But at the same time I take lyrics very seriously. I look them up if I dont understand, i read and re read to make sure I get the message the artist is trying to get across. I love lyrisist's who have fun with their songs, because sometimes I dont want to go back(although sometimes i cant avoid it). I just want to let go, I want to laugh. 2gether is great for that.
My Love My Obsession My Music, It lets me let go, and it allows me hold on. If there is a song on my playlist that make you think of me, it is probably there for you, but it might not be. So don't Overanalyze, still dont underanalyze.
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