Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Music My Obsession

Friday, October 31, 2008

My Music My Obsession

I have this burning desire to have something to love, something that wont love me back, nor will I expect it to. Music is that something. It won't let me down break my heart, grow up, deploy, or chew up my shoes. Every song on my playlist, my ipod or in my head has a meaning to me. It has a smell, it leaves a taste in my mouth so distinct that I could not even begin to explain it. It sustains me. I dont have to eat or sleep I dont even feel like I need to pee when I am on one of my music binges. I am not entirely sure this is a healthy obsession, not that I really care. I guess it is more of an addiction.

Music takes me back, and forward and side to side. Music is a Time machine. I hear a song and all of a sudden I am back in 5th grade dancing my first slow dance, with adam kinser. Or my driving my car for the first time with a drivers license. My first heart break, which is a memory that most would like to forget, I re-live it thu song. Not because i like to cry but because it made me who I am today. It s a passion only people who share it with me could possibly understand.

There are so many songs that I love that have absolutly no reason other than it makes me feel good. But even with songs like "Milkshake" I can tell you where I was the first time I heard it and who I was with, But at the same time I take lyrics very seriously. I look them up if I dont understand, i read and re read to make sure I get the message the artist is trying to get across. I love lyrisist's who have fun with their songs, because sometimes I dont want to go back(although sometimes i cant avoid it). I just want to let go, I want to laugh. 2gether is great for that.

My Love My Obsession My Music, It lets me let go, and it allows me hold on. If there is a song on my playlist that make you think of me, it is probably there for you, but it might not be. So don't Overanalyze, still dont underanalyze.

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